our approach

your portfolio, our expertise


How we manage investments

Before embarking on any form of investment, a thorough discussion always takes place with our investment managers. They take the time to carefully listen and gain a detailed understanding of a client’s circumstances, investment objectives and requirements, including tolerance to risk. This then allows a suitable strategy to be formulated and agreed with the following principles central to our management process:

Asset allocation

Cash & Fixed Interest
Equities (UK & Overseas)
Target Return Strategies

We will consider the range of investable asset classes available to provide the strategic framework of a portfolio. By blending asset types we seek to manage investment returns and control risks.

As time goes by, all portfolios may need to be rebalanced to take account of any external influencing factors.


Through tactical asset allocation, changes can be made to react to macro-economic and geo-political events as well as to reflect our views on the outlook for financial markets

Individual investment selection

A stringent screening process enables us to Identify only the most appropriate investments for our clients. Depending on the specific needs of a client, we may utilise direct investments, collectives (e.g. Unit trusts, OEICs and Investment trusts) or a combination of both. We believe that we provide a gateway to a range of excellent managers and funds with a concentration on genuine stock picking styles. We aim to meet with fund managers periodically as part of our due diligence procedures.

Ongoing management

The final stage of the investment process involves the ongoing monitoring of both asset allocation and individual investment selection. We maintain this disciplined approach with the aim of achieving strong and consistent risk adjusted returns over the medium and longer term. We believe our independence allows us the freedom to meet the individual needs of our clients and the ability to identify high quality investments from the vast spectrum of available opportunities without constraint.